C.M.A.H. - Helsinki EARLY MUSIC SOCIEty 


Summer course 2025

The Helsinki Early Music Society organizes an annual early music summer course. Early music enthusiasts from Finland and other countries gather together to enjoy early music. The course is aimed at everyone interested in performing early music. We welcome  participants with different backgrounds, including young students of music institutes, people playing just for fun,  professional students, teachers of music institutes or professional musicians playing modern instruments.

The participants will receive both private lessons on their own instrument and tuition in ensembles. Individual lessons are offered in one instrument only. If you want to play other instruments, you may do so in ensembles. The ensembles receiving tuition will be created before the course by using the information given in the registration forms.  In addition, there are  bigger groups where everyone can take part:  The Medieval group, the Renaissance orchestra, the Baroque orchestra and the choir.

The next summer course will be 2.-28.7.2025 at  Muurlan Opisto.  

 Tuition will be offered in the following  subjects:

  • Baroque violin / Anna Pohjola
  • Singing / Veikko Kiiver
  • Harpsichord / Elina Mustonen
  • Lute, theorbo / Niklas Mellberg
  • Recorder / Pekka Silén, Janek Öller
  • Renaissance reeds (shawm, dulcian, krummhorn) / Bernhard Stilz

If you don’t have your own instrument, it is possible to borrow one. Please contact the organizers, we will give you the contact information of your teacher. In case  you are interested in playing an early music instrument not shown in the  list above, you may still come to the course, but we recommend to contact the organizers.

Course fee

The fee depends on the accommodation option. The course fee includes tuition, meals and accommodation. The meals include breakfast, lunch, afternoon coffee and dinner.  Alternatively, you can take only the tuition and the meals.

  • single room (5 rooms available) 932 eur
  • double room in the dorm house 872 eur
  • three person room in the main building 788 eur
  • 3-4 person room in Muurlan tupa (no shower in the building) 752 eur
  • Only tuition and meals 615 eur

The bed linen are not included. You can bring your own or rent at 9 eur/week.

Evening snack is available at extra fee.


The registration  will begin on the 1st of April 2025 and will end on the 31st of May 2025.

Registration for Instrumentalists
Registration for Singers


The course fee will be invoiced by Muurlan Opisto before the course.

Cancellation policy

Will appear in the near future.

More information

In case you want to have more information on the musical details or arrangements of the course, please contact the course organizers by e-mail (kesakurssi@cmah.org) or by phone (+358 50 598 7661 / Armi Temmes).

If you have questions about accommodation and meals, please contact Muurlan Opisto toimisto@muurlanopisto.fi
+358 44 758 1500.