C.M.A.H. - Helsinki EARLY MUSIC SOCIEty 


Renaissance bands

We have two ensembles: a Renaissance woodwind ensemble under the name Cappella Tibia and a loud wind ensemble Inferno.

What instruments we play?

The instruments we play are modern copies of renaissance instruments. Cappella Tibia uses different kinds of recorders, bowed string instrument and lutes. Occasionally, we have singing soloists, as well. Inferno's instruments are shawms, schalmeis, dulcians, a cornett, and a trombone.

What kind of music we play?

Our music consists of dances, madrigals and polyphonic music, ricercars and fantasies, from the period between Middle Ages and early Baroque (1400 - 1650).

Who are the players? 

Our groups consists of 6 - 7 more or less permanent members and in addition some people who play with us only now and then or just for a couple of years. The ensemble has been a starting point for many early musicians with national and international careers.

Where could I hear you?

We usually have 10 to 15 performances a year, most of them private occasions.

May I join you?

We always welcome people who can already play or are anxious to learn to play some renaissance instrument and are willing to perform in all kinds of situations for free - all the income goes to the Early Music Society. If you are interested in joining us contact Markku Åberg.

Order us to play!

We are happy to come and play in your events. We have ensembles suitable both to indoor and outdoor events. Contact Markku Åberg.